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Abstract submission

We are sorry, the abstract submission is closed and no further submissions can be considered. The submissions are currently being viewed and reviewed.
All abstract submitters will be informed of acceptance or rejection in April.

Call for Abstracts
PDF 603 KB


The conference proceedings will be available online as an e-book on this website for all participants at the beginning of the conference.

Abstract topics

Materials Science
MS 1 Energy-related materials and catalysts
MS 2 Metals and alloys
MS 3 Disordered materials
MS 4  Low-dimensional and quantum materials
MS 5 Functional organics, carbon-based and hybrid materials
MS 6 Ceramics, composites and geoscience
MS 7 Multi-scale and correlative in situ/operando electron microscopy
MS 8 Beyond ideal 2D and van der Waals materials: Disorder, defects, adatoms and contamination
Life Sciences
LS 1 Structure and functions of cells and organelles – Cryo ET
LS 2 Structure and functions of cells and organelles – Imaging of large volumes nad plastic section tomography
LS 3 Cryo-EM and image analysis of macromolecules and molecular assemblies
LS 4 Correlative microscopy and multimodal microscopy
LS 5 Pathology, pathogens and diagnostics
LS 6 Advances in sample preparation
Instrumentation and Methodes
IM 1 Progress in instrumentation and ultrafast EM
IM 2 Advanced spectroscopy
IM 3 SEM and FIB developments
IM 4 4D STEM and phase-related techniques
IM 5 Beam shaping and analysis
IM 6 Big data and AI techniques
IM 7 Electron crystallography


Your contact

Stefan Regge
Abstract management

Conventus Congressmanagement
& Marketing GmbH  
Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena