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Registration for the MC 2025 is now online

Thank you for your interest in the Microscopy Conference 2025 in Karlsruhe. Online registration is now open. To complete your registration please use the button on the right side.

Registration Fees


Early Bird
(until 15 May)

(from 16 May)

Member (EMS, DGE, ASEM, SSOM) €295 €345
Non-Member €355 €405
Student/Pensioner* €115 €135
Day ticket €200 €200
Pre-Workshop €95 €95
Exhibitor €175 €175
*Verification required. Please send it within one week with the keyword MC2025 by email to registrierung@conventus.de.
All prices stated in euros and include VAT of 19%.


All registrations include a ticket for public transport in Karlsruhe for the entire duration of the congress (excluding day tickets) 

Social programme

  Regular for Students/Pensioners Accompanying person
Welcome reception included included €25
Conference dinner €20 €10 €50

Pre-Workshops (31 August)

Registration Fee: €95 (cannot be booked in parallel if overlap in time)

4D-STEM concepts and applications in the physical and life sciences


Electron optics and new approaches for spectroscopy in the TEM


In-situ/operando TEM and SEM


Materials meets life science microscopy – From critical preparation to advanced microscopy of sensitive/reactive specimens


Practical aspects of aberration correction in TEM and STEM


Research data management in microscopy


Transmission electron microscopy from first principles


Volume EM in life sciences – Tips and tricks for your sample preparation




Lead scanning


By allowing an exhibitor/sponsor to scan your badge, you consent to your contact information (name, job title, organization, city, country and email) being shared with that exhibitor/sponsor.
If you do not wish to share your personal information with an exhibitor/sponsor, you are under no obligation to allow your badge to be scanned by these parties.
Please note: badge scanning may be required for access by the congress organizer and your data will be treated confidentially.

Consent to use photographic images

By registration and participation in MC 2025, the registrant agrees that the organizer may use and distribute the image or voice of the registrant or participant in photographs, video tapes, electronic reproductions and audio tapes (both now and in the future).

Full registration includes


  • Access to the scientific programme
  • Access to the industrial exhibition
  • Congress materials
  • Welcome reception
  • Networking breaks